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Dr. Alex "Sandy" Antunes is a full-time freelance writer and analyst. He is available for proposal (RFP) and whitepaper (RFI) development for contractors, large and small, who want to take advantage of a subject matter expert with NASA, NRL, and real-world experience in science and satellite operations, research, and outreach.

Sandy also writes on astronomy, computational astrophysics and leading edge information technology. His research involves high performance computing and parallelization, 3D visualization, algorithmic research, physics coding, web programming, and social media.

Sandy's postdoctoral work at Naval Research Laboratory created 3-D computer models of the million-ton electronics-disrupting bundles of charged plasma called Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) the sun kicks off. He released his research code as 'STEREO 3D Data Reconstruction Studio' (S3DRS) into the publically available SolarSoftWare repository. His Ph.D work at George Mason University was in galaxy forensics-- comparing observed collisional galaxies (AM0744-741) versus computer simulations. His NASA research work involved spectral studies of the high energy X-ray emission from Algol-type and RS CVn binaries. He currently is a cloud engineer working with heliophysics analysis solutions for scientists.

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