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The Ghost Library: Research Publications List
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Research: Publications List

  • Antunes, A. and Wallin, J.W., "Dynamical Parameters for AM0644-741", 2007, ApJ, 670, 261
  • Antunes, A., "What Dumbo Tells Jumbo", 2005, Computing in Science & Engineering, v7, 55
  • Waltz, J., Page, G. L., Milder, S. D., Wallin, J., Antunes, A., "A Performance Comparison of Tree Data Structures for N-Body Simulation", 2002, J. Comp. Phys., 178,1
  • Antunes, A. and Antunes, E., "Advanced Web Services", 2001, in 'Unix Unleashed', Fourth Edition
  • B. Haisch, A. Antunes, and J.H.M.M. Schmitt, "Solar-Like M-Class X-ray Flares on Proxima Centauri Observed by the ASCA Satellite", Science, 1995, 268, 1327
  • A. Antunes, F. Nagase, and N.E. White, "ASCA Observations of the Coronal X-Ray Emission of Algol", 1994, ApJ Letters, 436, L83
  • N. White, et al, A. Antunes, "An Asca Observation of One Orbital Cycle of AR Lacertae", 1994, PASJ, 46, L97
  • A. Antunes, D. Burrows, et al, "A Predictive Model for Space-Based X-ray CCD Degradation", 1993, Experimental Astronomy, 4, 159

Conference Proceedings

  • Antunes, A., Wallin, J.,"Projection 3-D Simulations Into Pseudo Observations", 2002, ADASS XII
  • A. Antunes and J. Wallin, "Convergence on N-body plus SPH", 2001, 2001AAS, 199.8706
  • Stern, R.A., Lemen, J.R., Antunes, A., et al, "Multiwavelength EUVE/ASCA/RXTE Observations of Algol and the [Fe/H] Abundance Authors", 1998, ASP Conf Ser 154, 1166
  • Antunes, A., Wallin, J., Struck, C., "Dwarf Stripping Within Clusters", Washington Area Astronomers, 1998
  • Hilton, P, Antunes, A., "ASCA: an International Mission", 1998, ADASS Vol 145, 7, 267
  • Brown, L. E., Antunes. A., and Saunders. A, "Using a Customized Browser Plugin for Rapid Web Based Development", ADASS 98 Conf Proc, 1998
  • Saunders, A., Antunes, A., and Elwin, E. L., "Multiplatform GUI Development from a User's Perspective", ADASS 98 Conf Proc, 1998
  • Antunes, A., Saunders, A. and Hilton, P., "Astro-E's Mission Independent Scheduling Suite", ADASS VII Conf. Proc., 1998
  • Antunes, A., talk, "The Next Generation Scheduling Software", ADASS '97, Sonthofen, Bavaria
  • Antunes, A., Scheduling Birds-of-a-Feather Session Coordinator, Sept 16, 1997, ADASS '97, MacDonald, D. R., et al, Antunes. A, "Observing the Granularity in the X-ray Background with RXTE"1996, BAAS, 28, 1316
  • Meriwether, D., Antunes. S., et al, "Multi-Platform Coordinated Observations", BAAS, 188, 5507M, 1996
  • Stern, R., Lemen, J., Antunes, S., et al, "Coordinated EUVE/ASCA/XTE/VLA Observations of Algol", BAAS, 188, 6012S, 1996
  • MacDonald, D..R., et al, Antunes. A, Smith, E., "Observing the Granularity in the X-ray Background with RXTE", BAAS, 189, 36.05, 1996
  • E. Johnson and A. Antunes, "A High Capacity Object Oriented Mission Scheduling System for XTE", 1996, ADASS V Conf. Proc., 5, 463J
  • Antunes, A., Haisch, B., and Schmitt, J.H.M.M., "ASCA Observations of X-ray flares on Proxima Centauri", BAAS, 186, 2102A, 1995
  • Haisch, B., Antunes, A., and Schmitt, J.H.M.M., "ASCA Observations of Solar-like M-flares on Proxima Centauri", BAAS, 185, 4505H, 1994
  • A. Antunes, F. Nagase, and N.E. White, "Algol During Secondary Eclipse with ASCA", New Horizons of X-Ray Astro. Conf. Proc., 1994, 1, 381
  • A. Antunes, F. Nagase, "Interactive Dynamic Mission Scheduling for ASCA", ADASS III Conf. Proc., 1994, 61, 185.
  • M. Itoh, K. Mitsuda, A. Antunes, et al, "ASCA Initial Data Processing and the OBD (Observation Database)", ADASS III Conf. Proc., 1994, 61, 383.
  • A. Antunes, Takashi Isobe, et al., "SPIKE and the Dynamic Scheduling Process for ASCA", 1993, Proc. JAS meeting.
  • Burrows, D., Skinner, M., Antunes, A., et al, "CUBIC - A non-dispersive Diffuse X-ray Background spectrometer", Proc SPIE, 72B, 1992

Research: Publications List

Conference Proceedings