Project Calliope

Music from Space

All 4 books in the DIY Space series are now available. I am still waiting for a launch date but am not in a hurry.

In the News

What happens when Sandy Antunes, a semi-nonfamous science writer slash IT consultant, wants to go into space?

NASA image of the ionosphere and aurora

'Project Calliope' is a satellite being launched by this space & music enthusiast on the  "TubeSat" platform with I-CubeX sensors.  It'll be an ionospheric detector transmitting sonifiable data back to Earth for web streaming and remixing.   Conceptually, it's a musical instrument in space, played by space rather than just after-the-fact sonified.

Who's Talking About Us?


Three of the four books in the "DIY Space" series are out, at O'Reilly Media.

I made it into BusinessWeek (2012) and they managed to get just about the only photo of me I actually like.

Harry Allen interviewed me (2012) for his Nonfiction New York radio show!

AMSAT-UK has a nice video interview with me (2012), and since AMSAT invented the amateur satellite field, I'm honored.

Capitol College (2011) seems very pleased to have hired me as faculty (started in 2011) based in part of my Calliope work.

Scopes Monkey Choir ran an extended 2011 interview about Calliope and is the first to really look at the art/science component.

MAKE has a followup post (April 28, 2011) plus an earlier short blog post about me (October 28, 2010)

I gave an Ignite talk at the SpaceUpDC conference (Aug 2010), and later created a podcast of that talk for 365DaysofAstronomy.

NPR's Audie Cornish interviewed me on July 24, 2010.

Priya Ganapati interviewd me for Wired's GadgetLab on July 20, 2010

215th AAS, Jan 7 2010: I presented at the 215th AAS.  Attached is a PDF of my talk.

Jon Newton at P2PNet had the news out before anyone at "Music from space ready for lift-off! (Literally.) Thanks for the early lead, Jon!

David Noel calls us 'badass-cool' at Echolot.  Okay, that made my day, equalling a private message from a friend calling me 'his favorite mad scientist'.

The very helpful Randa at Interorbital (aka the TubeSat people) emailed me SonicState's coverage of our MIDI from Space.  That's two in one-- SonicState covered us, and IO likes us!  Woo!

Jennifer Lanes talks about Streaming Media That's Out of This World! over at Augio4Cast... are music people quicker on the uptake than the science community?

And Hank from here talks about the stuffed mascot Bloggy Goes Cosmic.  I may need to weigh out stuffed bears to see if we can cram a Bloggy into our capsule.